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The environmental benefits of autonomous vehicles

An autonomous car is a vehicle that is built to navigate and function without the assistance of a human driver. It senses its environment and makes autonomous driving decisions using sensors and cutting-edge technologies. This implies that a person is not required to operate the vehicle. In addition to being able to drive on the same highways as human drivers, autonomous cars are also capable of handling complex traffic situations and parking.


The era of autonomous vehicles, or CAVs, is rapidly drawing closer. We’ll investigate some of the advantages autonomous automobiles will have on the environment.


Reduce harmful emissions 


The transportation industry is now the primary source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the United States, contributing around 28.5% of the nation’s total atmospheric emissions. This industry has recently exceeded electricity generation in this regard. Approximately 24% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide are attributed to transportation, with passenger automobiles causing 75% of emissions globally and 60% in the United States. The development of autonomous vehicles (AVs) has various potential advantages in terms of emissions and energy. Among these advantages are:


  • Homogeneous Traffic Flows and Reduced Congestion: AVs can improve fuel efficiency and cut emissions by easing traffic flow and reducing highway congestion.


  • Lighter and Smarter Vehicles: AVs require less powerful engines due to their design, which reduces air resistance and idle time and further improves fuel efficiency and pollution reductions.


AVs have been associated with possible energy savings and pollution reductions that have been the subject of numerous studies. For instance, Wu et al. discovered that fuel consumption may be decreased by approximately 31% by employing a fuel economy optimization method. In a completely connected car context, Khondaker and Kattan reported using a variable speed limit control algorithm to save approximately 16% on fuel. Li and colleagues also showed that up to 20% of gasoline might be saved in autonomous car-following circumstances. 


Additionally, AVs can reduce the emissions of CO2, NOx, and other pollutants. Bose and Ioannou, for instance, discovered that a fleet with just 10% of its cars fitted with ACC may save CO2 emissions by as much as 60%. During lane changes, Choi and Bae found that linked vehicles’ CO2 emissions decreased by 7.1%.


Lower Traffic congestion


For many years, large cities have seen increasing levels of traffic congestion. Rush hour now lasts about six hours a day, adding approximately 40% additional time to travel times. An encouraging answer to this issue is provided by autonomous vehicles or AVs. By utilizing sensors and cameras to maintain constant spacing and lessen abrupt braking, AVs improve driving efficiency and aid in the prevention of traffic jams. Research has demonstrated that by regulating human drivers’ speeds, even a single autonomous vehicle (AV) can lessen traffic. Businesses such as May Mobility, which provides more flexible on-demand microtransit services than traditional public transportation, use cutting-edge technologies to enhance traffic flow and safety. AVs can lessen traffic by boosting ride-sharing and resolving first- and last-mile transportation problems. They can also lower car density. This helps to minimize environmental pollution in the cities.


Minimize the environmental footprint of manufacturing


The automotive sector is going through a significant transition in favor of environmentally friendly production methods. Automakers are embracing more sustainable production practices as concerns about resource shortages, climate change, and environmental damage. These approaches concentrate on assuring social responsibility, improving resource efficiency, and lessening the negative effects of manufacturing operations on the environment. The goal of sustainable manufacturing in the automobile sector is to promote a production strategy that strikes a balance between social and economic concerns and environmental care.


The autonomous industrial sector and society at large stand to gain much from the transition to sustainable manufacturing. The benefits are numerous, ranging from cost savings and improved brand recognition to environmental conservation and lower carbon emissions. Automakers may improve their market position and contribute to a more sustainable future by adopting sustainability.


The automotive industry’s use of sustainable manufacturing has a bright future. Innovations that have the potential to further reduce environmental impact and enhance efficiency include the integration of renewable energy sources, autonomous manufacturing, and circular economy principles. The opportunities for sustainable automobile production will grow as technology does.


Impact on urban planning 


Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are thought to be a promising technological advancement for achieving smart city objectives. The scant research mostly focuses on the possible advantages of AVs. With AVs taking the place of conventional automobiles, there would be less demand for parking places, less urban pollution, and lower transportation expenses. Additionally, they might drastically cut down on traffic fatalities and accidents, which would lessen suffering for people and save costs for medical care Furthermore, underprivileged people’s access to transportation can be enhanced by AVs. However, understanding AVs’ effects on cities and communities is necessary before they can reach their full potential. 


AVs’ beneficial effects vary depending on the ownership model. Options for deployment include shared autonomous vehicles (SAV) and privately owned autonomous cars (PAV). PAVs are similar to the current form of vehicle ownership, in which users commute in autonomous vehicles (AVs) but give up driving. On the other hand, people can use their trip time to read, work, or sleep. Additionally, new technologies allow shared autonomous vehicles (SAV), in which users can rent an AV through mobile apps for a single trip. SAVs can be used for single journeys or pooled travels, in which users who are traveling comparable routes are paired together and travel together. This facilitates and enhances city living.


This article highlights a few ways that autonomous cars contribute to environmental balance by reducing environmental pollution levels. Autonomous car brands such as May Mobility have successfully deployed AVs in multiple cities, demonstrating their potential to make urban travel safer, greener, and more efficient. To fully realize the environmental benefits of autonomous vehicles (AVs), effective integration with sustainable transportation policies and vehicle technological improvements will be essential.


References and further reading 


Mobility, M. (2023) How autonomous vehicles reduce traffic congestion. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-autonomous-vehicles-reduce-traffic-congestion-maymobility



Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) (no date) Issue Brief | Autonomous Vehicles: State of the Technology and Potential Role as a Climate Solution | White Papers | EESI. https://www.eesi.org/papers/view/issue-brief-autonomous-vehicles-state-of-the-technology-and-potential-role-as-a-climate-solution.


Diksha, M. (2024) Sustainable manufacturing in the automotive industry. https://www.give-engineering.com/sustainable-manufacturing-in-the-automotive-industry/.


Richter, M.A. et al. (2022) ‘Smart cities, urban mobility and autonomous vehicles: How different cities need different sustainable investment strategies,’ Technological Forecasting & Social Change/Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 184, p. 121857. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2022.121857.

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