Both Front Brake Calipers Not Releasing? Symptoms, Causes and Remedies
Are you facing the frustrating situation where both front brake calipers refuse to release? Look no further, as we have the answers you seek. In this informative article, we tackle the common issue of both front brake calipers not releasing and provide you with valuable insights to resolve the problem.
From identifying the possible causes, such as stuck brake pads or hydraulic system malfunctions, to understanding the potential risks and consequences, we cover it all.
Symptoms of Both Brake Calipers Not Releasing
When both front brake calipers fail to release, you may notice several symptoms indicating this issue. These include:
Constant drag or pulling sensation while driving
When both front brakes not releasing, you may experience a constant drag or pulling sensation while driving. This means that even when you’re not applying the brakes, the vehicle feels like it’s being held back. This can make it difficult to maintain a steady speed and can affect the overall handling and maneuverability of your vehicle.
Increased fuel consumption
When the new brake caliper not releasing and are stuck, they can create unnecessary friction on the wheels. This additional resistance can cause your engine to work harder, resulting in increased fuel consumption. If you notice that your vehicle’s fuel efficiency has decreased without any other apparent reasons, it could be a sign of both brake calipers not releasing.
Uneven tire wear
Brake not releasing can lead to uneven tire wear. When the calipers fail to release, the brake pads remain in constant contact with the rotors, causing excessive wear on specific areas of the tires. This can result in uneven tread patterns and may require premature tire replacement. Regularly inspecting your tires for signs of uneven wear can help identify issues with brake caliper release.
Excessive heat emitting from the wheels
If both front brakes won’t release, you may notice excessive heat emanating from the wheels. This can occur even after minimal use of the brakes. The continuous friction between the brake pads and rotors generates heat that should dissipate when the calipers release. However, when the calipers are stuck, heat builds up, leading to hot wheels that can be felt through touch or observed visually.
Burning smell
A noticeable burning smell, particularly after driving or using the brakes, can be an indication of both front brakes sticking. The prolonged contact between the brake pads and rotors generates excessive heat, which can cause the brake components to overheat and emit a burning odor. If you detect this smell, it’s important to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage to the braking system.
Reduced braking performance and longer stopping distance
When both front brake calipers are not releasing properly, it can significantly impact your vehicle’s braking performance. You may experience a decrease in braking power, making it more challenging to bring your vehicle to a stop efficiently. Additionally, the increased friction caused by the stuck calipers can result in a longer stopping distance, potentially compromising your safety on the road.
What Causes Brake Calipers to Not Release?
Several factors can cause brake calipers to fail in releasing properly. The most common reasons include:
Sticking or seized caliper slides or pins
One common cause of brake calipers not releasing is the sticking or seizing of caliper slides or pins. These components play a crucial role in allowing the caliper to move freely and release properly. If the slides or pins become corroded, dirty, or lack lubrication, they can hinder the caliper’s movement, causing it to remain engaged with the brake rotor.
Contaminated or deteriorated brake fluid
Brake fluid plays a vital role in transferring hydraulic pressure to the brake calipers. Over time, brake fluid can become contaminated with moisture, debris, or air bubbles, which can compromise its effectiveness and lead to caliper sticking. Additionally, if the brake fluid deteriorates due to age or high temperatures, it can cause internal components of the caliper to malfunction, hindering proper release.
Malfunctioning brake hose or line
A malfunctioning brake hose or line can also cause brake calipers not to release. The brake hose carries the brake fluid from the master cylinder to the caliper. If the hose is damaged, kinked, or collapsed, it can create a restriction in the fluid flow, preventing the caliper from releasing fully. Similarly, a damaged or clogged brake line can have the same effect
Corroded or damaged caliper pistons
The caliper pistons are responsible for pushing the brake pads against the rotors when the brakes are applied. If the pistons become corroded or damaged, they can get stuck in an extended position, not allowing the caliper to release properly. Corrosion can occur due to moisture or exposure to harsh conditions, while damage can result from debris, rust, or improper maintenance.
Worn or damaged brake pads
Worn or damaged brake pads can contribute to caliper sticking. If the brake pads become excessively worn, they can bind in the caliper bracket or become unevenly worn, leading to caliper misalignment. Similarly, if the brake pads are damaged, such as having uneven surfaces or broken backing plates, they can interfere with proper caliper movement and cause sticking.
Insufficient brake caliper lubrication
Proper lubrication is essential for the smooth operation of the brake caliper. If the caliper’s moving parts, such as the slides or pins, lack lubrication or are coated with old, dried-out lubricant, it can result in friction and prevent the caliper from releasing. Insufficient lubrication can occur due to improper maintenance or the use of incorrect lubricants.
What are the Potential Dangers of Both Front Brake Calipers Not Releasing?
The consequences of both front brake calipers not releasing can be severe and pose significant dangers. Some of them are,
- Increased braking distance
- Overheating of brake components
- Uneven and accelerated brake pad wear
- Uneven tire wear
- Reduced fuel efficiency
- Safety risks
Preventive Measures to Avoid Both Front Brake Calipers from Sticking
As you know by now, brake caliper sticking can be pretty catastrophic. Do these to minimize the occurrence of both brake caliper sticking.
- Schedule regular maintenance for your vehicle, including brake system inspections
- Apply a suitable high-temperature brake lubricant to the caliper slides and pins during brake service
- Follow the manufacturer’s recommended schedule for brake fluid flushes and replacements.
- Avoid harsh braking or excessive braking, as this can increase the likelihood of caliper sticking
- Regularly clean the brake components, including the calipers, rotors, and pads, to remove any dirt, debris, or brake dust buildup.
- When parking your vehicle, use the parking brake regularly
- Ensure that the brake system has proper ventilation and cooling. Excessive heat buildup can contribute to caliper sticking.
How Can Weather Conditions Contribute to Both Front Brake Calipers Failing to Release?
Weather conditions can affect the performance of brake calipers, potentially leading to a failure to release. In cold weather, moisture can accumulate within the brake system, causing components to freeze or corrode. This can result in restricted movement of the caliper pistons, preventing them from releasing properly. Additionally, extreme heat, such as during hot weather or prolonged heavy braking, can cause brake fluid to boil, leading to brake fade and caliper sticking. It is essential to consider these weather-related factors and take appropriate preventive measures.
Can a Caliper Unseize Itself?
In some cases, a caliper may unseize itself, but this is not a reliable or guaranteed outcome. Factors such as the severity of the caliper sticking, the underlying cause, and the duration of the issue can influence whether a caliper can unseize on its own. While temporary relief is possible, it is essential to address the root cause and inspect the caliper thoroughly to ensure proper functioning. Seeking professional inspection and repair is recommended for a reliable solution.
How to Fix Both Front Brake Calipers Not Releasing?
If your both brake calipers are not releasing, do these.
Inspect and clean the caliper slides
Start by inspecting the caliper slides for any signs of damage, corrosion, or excessive wear. If necessary, remove the caliper and clean the slides using a suitable brake cleaner. Lubricate the slides with high-temperature brake lubricant to ensure smooth movement.
Check and replace brake pads
Inspect the brake pads for uneven wear or sticking. Replace any worn-out or damaged brake pads. Ensure that the pads are properly seated and have enough clearance to move freely within the caliper.
Examine the brake hoses
Check the brake hoses for any signs of damage or blockage. A blocked or collapsed brake hose can prevent the caliper from releasing properly. Replace any faulty brake hoses and ensure they are properly installed.
Test and repair the caliper piston
Inspect the caliper piston for any damage or corrosion. If the piston is seized or not retracting properly, it may need to be replaced or repaired. Use a suitable caliper piston tool to retract the piston and restore proper movement.
Bleed the brake system
Air trapped in the brake lines can affect caliper performance. Bleed the brake system to remove any air bubbles and ensure proper hydraulic pressure. Follow the manufacturer’s recommended procedure for bleeding the brakes.
Verify proper brake fluid level and quality
Check the brake fluid level and condition. If the fluid is contaminated or degraded, it may affect caliper operation. If necessary, flush and replace the brake fluid following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Seek professional assistance
If you are unsure or uncomfortable performing brake caliper repairs yourself, it is recommended to seek professional assistance. A qualified technician can accurately diagnose and fix any issues with both front brake calipers not releasing.
Have a look at this video as well.
Video Credits: Backyardmech
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Jim is a motor mechanical engineer and the chief writer at He possesses a decade of experience in the automotive industry and loves writing and blogging.