Can you Change Oil Filter without Changing Oil? [SOLVED]
Oil is used in vehicles to ensure the car runs smoothly and helps the engine to work efficiently. Since the oil is an important component of the car, the oil system must be in good condition. The oil system must be adequately maintained in your car to improve the overall performance by increasing the lifetime of your vehicle. When it comes to maintaining the oil system, there can be so many questions rising related to it; one of the most commonly asked questions by most is can you change oil filter without changing oil? The answer to the previous question can vary, depending on the condition of the Oil system in your car.
Changing the oil filter and changing the oil are two different processes in the oil system that helps with the maintenance of the car; they are closely interconnected and rely on each other to run the vehicle smoothly.
If you are new to the mechanical side of the automotive industry, you might have many questions that relate to this; hence in this article, we will discuss one of the most asked questions, can you change oil filter without changing oil?
Can you Change Oil Filter without Changing Oil?
As previously stated, changing the oil filter without changing the oil depends on the condition of your vehicle. There are instances where you will have to change the oil filter and the oil if your car is facing issues when driving, but if not, it is optional to change your oil filter without changing the oil.
Thus you can change your oil filter without changing the oil but replacing your filters every time you change the oil will boost the performance of your car and is one of the best practices for maintaining your vehicle.
Should I Change My Oil Filter Every Oil Change?
Though it is recommended to change your oil filter with every oil change, it is not always necessary. If you want to maintain your vehicle on a low budget, changing the oil filter with every change is considered a waste. But if your oil filter is faulty and has carbon built in, it will hinder the performance of your car and cause issues in your engine.
It is vital to replace your oil filters at least every 3000 miles, as recommended to increase the engine’s lifetime and improve the driving effectiveness.
When Should You Change the Oil in your Car?
Changing the oil in the car is essential to lubricate the engine and function smoothly and effectively. The intervals taken to change the oil in your car are based on different factors like the model of your car, usage, driving patterns, etc. But according to most professionals, it is recommended to get an oil change every 5000 to 7,500 miles, which is approximately six months.
Because you will experience the performance in your car slowly decreasing after the first six months of an oil change. But if your car is an old model, then you will experience early signs in your car when the performance slows down. Thus, you will have to change the oil before you hit 5000 miles in your old car.
How often Is it Necessary to Change Oil Filters in the Car?
As the name implies, the oil filter will filter dirt from entering the engine. Though there is no need to change the oil filters with each oil change, it is vital for the performance of your engine and for the car to function. How often it is necessary to replace your oil filter is based on your vehicle’s performance.
If you are facing issues related to the oil filter, like a metallic sound from the engine or grimy black smoke releasing from the exhaust, and haven’t changed your filters for a while, it is time to replace them.
Getting your filters changed the second time after an oil change is recommended. For example, if you change your oil once in six months, it is best to replace the oil filters once a year. But as previously stated, if your car shows early signs of a poor engine filter, don’t wait until the condition gets extreme.
Why do you Change the Oil Filter?
The oil filter collects the dust and debris preventing them from entering the engine. You will see metal bits and dirt collected in the oil filter and clog the filter over time. When the filter is collected and blocked with the debris, it does not allow the oil to pass through and hence causes issues in the engine and reduces the car’s performance. Thus, the reason to replace your filters is to lubricate the engine.
What are the Benefits of an Oil Change and Replacing Oil Filters?
As previously stated, changing the oil and replacing the oil filters are some of the best practices for maintaining your car. It will increase the performance and effectiveness of your car and the engine’s lifetime. Below are more benefits listed when replacing the filters and changing the oil.
- When the engine is lubricated, it works smoothly simultaneously, protecting the other connected components of the engine to work effectively.
- It helps to conserve fuel in the car by improving the gas mileage. Because when the engine works smoothly, it consumes less fuel while driving.
- It reduces air pollution to the environment when oil and oil filters are changed. The exhaust releases cleaner smoke than an exhaust that releases dirty smoke when the oil filters are clogged.
Changing the oil and replacing oil filters is essential for the performance of your car and the engine to work smoothly and effectively. Though it is not necessary to change your oil and replace the filters at the same time, it can boost your vehicle’s performance.
In the article ” Can you change oil filter without changing oil, ” we explored different topics to relate to the question. We have contemplated topics like when to change your oil and oil filter, why you need to change the oil filter, and the benefits of changing the oil and replacing the oil filter to fulfill the answer to the question.
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Jim is a motor mechanical engineer and the chief writer at He possesses a decade of experience in the automotive industry and loves writing and blogging.